An integrated circuit is a chip in that contains all the amenities of a normal circuit board. These components include capacitors, resistors, transistors and many others. These components are condensed into a single chip in micro-electronics.
A monolithic IC is one that has all components of a circuit and their interconnections made on a single wafer. They are the cheapest and thus more popular than other types of integrated circuits. The basic process of production of monolithic ICs is as follows.
An integrated circuit (IC) is a self contained chip that has such components as resistors, transistors, capacitors etc in a small package. Other components needed in the circuit can be connected to the IC through its external terminals. The classification below is in accordance to fabrication or manufacturing techniques applied. Thus the ICs are classified as monolithic ICs, thin and thick-film ICs, hybrid ICs.
There are various things that readers practice that hinder comprehension of the content they read. Some of these practices end up wasting the reader’s time with the reader remembering nothing after completing the text. The practices that cause inefficient reading include;
A piston ring is a split metal ring in reciprocating or internal combustion engines that is placed around the piston head’s outer diameter. The piston rings can be made either out of iron or steel. A single piston head has more than one ring each serving a specific function. Basically there are three types of piston rings that is; compression/ pressure ring, intermediate/ scraper ring, oil control ring. Their functions are as discussed below: